
Let's get started.

Thank you for your purchase. This documentation file will serve as a general introduction to Edumy, covering topics such as theme installation and configuration, content creation, and general how-tos.

Enjoy the theme!

Created by Cocoon

  • theme: Edumy
  • platform: Moodle
  • released: February 2020

About Edumy

Edumy is a modern education and LMS Moodle theme for educational institutions and establishments. With a pixel-perfect design and top notch support as standard, Edumy is the perfect theme for your next Moodle project.

Edumy is fully-responsive, standards compliant and easy to customize.

Your purchase

This documentation file will serve as a general introduction to Edumy, providing instructions on topics such as installation, theme configuration, content creation, custom modifications and general how-tos.

Edumy for Moodle has been built by Created by Cocoon, a developer of premium CMS themes and provider of forward-thinking digital solutions.

The theme's download package contains the following directories:

If you are creating a new Moodle site, we highly recommend that you install Edumy using our Demo Installation package and instructions. If you have an existing Moodle site, please follow the 'Existing Installation' instructions.

Please note that demo/sample data is only installed when using the Demo Installation package. As such, if you are using the Existing Installation instructions, please refer to the 'Creating Content' section below for guidance on how to create content using Edumy.

The following instructions will show you how to install a fresh instance of Moodle, complete with Edumy installed, all modules pre-configured, and extensive demo content with placeholder images.

1. Create database

Unless you plan on using an existing database, you must create a new database for your Moodle installation.

The database can be named however you wish. The database can be created via phpMyAdmin (as shown below), or via another database manager such as cPanel or Parallels Plesk.

(You may also need to create a new database user, unless you plan on using an existing one.)

Immediately proceed to step 2, below.

2. Populate database

Import the SQL file, named cocoon_edumy.sql (located in the 'Demo Installation' folder in your theme download package), into your new database. This can be accomplished via phpMyAdmin, as shown below.

Ensure that your server is configured to allow uploads of at least 5.4 MB, so that the SQL file can be fully imported.

Immediately proceed to step 3, below.

3. Upload files

Upload the archive (located in the Demo Installation folder) to your web server, and extract it using either cPanel, another administration interface, or command line.

Alternatively, you can manually upload the entire contents of the uncompressed files folder to your web server. Ensure that all hidden files are also transferred, as these may be hidden in your computer's file browser. We recommend using an FTP client, such as FileZilla.

Immediately proceed to step 4, below.

4. Upload moodledata

Upload the archive (located in the Demo Installation folder) to your web server, outside your web root. Moodle requires that the moodledata folder is not publicly accessible.

Once uploaded, extract the archive using either cPanel, another administration interface, or command line.

Alternatively, you can manually upload the entire contents of the uncompressed moodledata folder to your web server. Ensure that all hidden files are also transferred, as these may be hidden in your computer's file browser. We recommend using an FTP client, such as FileZilla.

Your web server should have read-write permissions to the moodledata directory. For further instructions, please visit

Immediately proceed to step 5, below.

5. Configure config.php

You must now configure Moodle's config.php file to reflect your new database credentials and moodledata directory location, so that Moodle can connect to the database.

It is mandatory to complete all of the following steps, in order for your website to work correctly.

  1. Open the config.php file located in the Moodle root on your web server.

  2. On lines 10 to 12, edit the database name, user, and password to match the new database credentials you set up in Step 1.

  3. Ensure that the database prefix remains as "cocoon_".

  4. You may also need to edit the database port and host to match that of your server, and the database collation to match that of the new database you created in Step 1.

  5. On line 20, change the website root to your website URL, or your localhost address (e.g. http://localhost/moodle, or http://localhost:8888/moodle)

    This step is important. If you specify the incorrect web address your website will not display correctly.

  6. On line 21, change the "dataroot" to match the location of the moodledata directory you uploaded in Step 4. This path should be relative to your server root.

  7. On line 24, adjust the "directorypermissions" to the directory permissions set for your moodledata directory (in Step 4). By default, these are 0777. However, they may also be 0775 or 0755, depending on your server configuration. For further guidance on setting the appropriate permissions, visit

Immediately proceed to step 6, below.

6. Login

Your Edumy demo installation is now complete. You can now login to your new Edumy website with the following administrator credentials.

→ Navigate to {}/login/index.php to login directly.

PASSWORD: admin123

Immediately proceed to step 7, below.

7. Purge the Moodle cache

After logging in, navigate directly to {}/admin/purgecaches.php via your web browser's address bar and click the 'Purge all caches' button.

Wait for the page to refresh and reload completely. Once the page has refreshed and loaded completely, the caches have been succesfully purged.

This process may take several minutes.

Immediately proceed to step 8, below.

8. Complete!

Your installation of Edumy is officially complete! Happy site building! (Please don't forget to change the administrator password first.)

Edumy can be installed on existing Moodle installations, and the process is quick and easy. You'll be up and running in no time.

Ensure that you have a fresh, working backup of your existing Moodle instance (files and database) before proceeding.

1. Upload the theme

The standalone theme is located in the 'Existing Installations/theme' folder.

→ Unzip the archive, and upload the extracted folder to the /theme directory in your Moodle root.

You should now have the standalone Edumy theme at this location on your web server: /theme/edumy

Immediately proceed to step 2, below.

2. Upload required blocks

Edumy ships with over 50 custom blocks to help you create feature-rich pages on your Moodle site. It is recommended that all custom blocks are installed.

The blocks you must install are located in the 'Existing Installations/blocks' folder.

Upload the blocks to your Moodle blocks directory, located at /blocks in your Moodle root.

Immediately proceed to step 3, below.

3. Upload recommended plugins

The following third-party plugins are recommended:

The recommended plugins are located in the 'Existing Installations/local' folder.

Upload the plugins to your Moodle plugins directory, located at /local in your Moodle root.

Immediately proceed to step 4, below.

4. Installation

After following the steps above, you must install the uploaded theme, blocks, and plugins:

  1. Log into your Moodle site (as an administrator), and go to Site administration > Notifications (*your_moodle_address*/admin/index.php)
  2. There should be 57 new installations pending your attention. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Upgrade Moodle Database now".
  3. Wait for Moodle to install the new plugins. This might take several minutes.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
You may be prompted to configure new settings during the installation process. You can safely ignore this for now, and proceed by clicking "Continue" at the bottom of the page. You will be able to configure these settings at a later time.

Upon successful installation, you will be taken to the Site administration > Notifications page.

Immediately proceed to step 5, below.

5. Activation

Everything you need to build or extend your Moodle site with Edumy is now installed.

But first, let's activate your new theme:

→ Navigate to Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Theme selector, and change the default theme to Edumy.

Upon successful activation, a "New theme saved" page will be displayed. Click Continue.

Immediately proceed to Theme Settings, below.

Edumy's Theme Settings are important to your website's functionality, as they dictate how the theme will look and behave.

→ Navigate to Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Edumy

General settings

The General settings panel allows you to configure styles for the Moodle blog and course listing pages.

Header settings

The Header settings panel provides settings for configuring your website header. It's important to complete every field. Please note that the fields displayed on your website frontend vary depending on the chosen header style.

Footer settings

The Footer settings panel provides settings for configuring your website footer. It's important to complete every field. Please note that the fields displayed on your website frontend vary depending on the chosen footer style.

Social settings

The Social settings panel provides settings for configuring the social profile links for your website.

This section will provide further guidance on how Edumy works, and how content should be managed.


Edumy includes styling for all common areas of a typical Moodle installation, including (but not limited to):

These styles are automatically applied on activation of the theme.

However, there are many more possibilities with Edumy.

One of Edumy's greatest features is its intuitive use of custom blocks, which allow you to create feature-rich pages anywhere on your Moodle site.

You can assign any of the custom blocks below to one of Edumy's included regions:


Please note that certain blocks are best-placed in the fullwidth regions, and others in the sidebar regions.


Edumy ships with over 50 custom blocks, which can be assigned to any region within the theme.

Custom blocks have [Cocoon] in the title, for easy recognition:

Each block is configurable independently and can be added to any Moodle page. You can also configure blocks to be displayed site-wide.

Edumy includes styling for many common areas in a typical Moodle installation.

However, it's also possible to create completely custom pages using the custom blocks shipped with Edumy. Please refer to Theme structure for reference.

To create a custom page, you should first enable the "Topics" section on the Moodle frontpage:

→ Navigate to Site administration > Front page > Front page settings and enable "Include a topic section":

→ Navigate to your front page and click "Add an activity or resource" in the topics section:

→ Add a new "Page", under "Resources".

You're now able to create and assign custom blocks to your page. Please refer to Theme structure for a full list of available custom blocks.

The theme comes with an array of custom blocks for your convenience.

To create a custom block, you must first switch Block editing on.

→ Navigate to Site administration and turn block editing on:

You can now add blocks to any page using the "+ Add Block" link in the user navigation menu:

Edumy's 50+ custom blocks are marked with [Cocoon]:

[Cocoon] About (Text 2 Columns)

[Cocoon] About (Text with Image)

[Cocoon] Action Panels

[Cocoon] Contact Form

[Cocoon] Course Enrolment

[Cocoon] Course Features

[Cocoon] Course Info

[Cocoon] Course Instructor

[Cocoon] Course Intro

[Cocoon] Course Overview

[Cocoon] Courses List

[Cocoon] Courses Slider

[Cocoon] Event Body

[Cocoon] Event Contact

[Cocoon] Event Details

[Cocoon] Event Slider

[Cocoon] FAQs

[Cocoon] Featured Blog Posts Slider

[Cocoon] Featured Event

[Cocoon] Features

[Cocoon] Gallery

[Cocoon] Gallery Slider

[Cocoon] Global Search (sidebar)

[Cocoon] Global Search (navbar)

[Cocoon] Hero 1

[Cocoon] Hero 2

[Cocoon] Hero 3 (with search)

[Cocoon] Parallax

[Cocoon] Parallax Apps

[Cocoon] Parallax Counters

[Cocoon] Parallax White

[Cocoon] Partners

[Cocoon] Pills

[Cocoon] Programs

[Cocoon] Recent blog posts

[Cocoon] Recent blog posts list

[Cocoon] Recent blog posts slider

[Cocoon] Related Courses

[Cocoon] Simple Counters

[Cocoon] Slider style 1

[Cocoon] Slider style 2

[Cocoon] Slider style 3

[Cocoon] Slider style 4

[Cocoon] Subscribe

[Cocoon] Tablets

[Cocoon] Testimonials slider

[Cocoon] Users

[Cocoon] Users Slider

[Cocoon] Users Slider Round

Edumy supports paid course enrollment using Moodle's PayPal Enrolment method.

We'll guide you on how to setup and configure PayPal Enrolment on your Edumy Moodle site.

1. Enable the PayPal Enrolment method

First, you must enable PayPal Enrolment. You'll also have the opportunity to configure site-wide settings for PayPal Enrolment.

→ Navigate to Site administration > Plugins > Enrolments > Manage enrol plugins and enable PayPal Enrolment (by clicking the eye icon):

2. Configure site-wide PayPal settings

Now you can configure site-wide settings for PayPal. This is important, as you want your payments sent to the right place.

To configure site-wide settings for PayPal on your Moodle site, click the "Settings" link beside "PayPal".

3. Important PayPal Settings

All configuration options for PayPal are important, but the key ones are:

  1. PayPal Business Email (use the email address linked to your PayPal Business Account).
  2. Set "Allow PayPal Enrolments" to Yes.
  3. Set the default "Enrol cost" and "Currency" for your courses.

4. Enable PayPal Enrolment for each paid course

To allow PayPal enrolments for specific courses, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Participants" page for a given course

  2. From the course settings menu, click "Enrolment methods"

  3. If PayPal is not already listed as an enrolment method, select "PayPal" from the "Add method" dropdown on the page:

  4. You can also adjust the PayPal settings for the specific course, as shown below:

  5. Lastly, add the [Cocoon] Course Enrolment block to the course main page, so that users will be shown the enrolment details and purchase link, as shown below.

  6. If all of your courses require payment, we recommend adding the block once, and configuring it to display on "any type of course main page". This prevents you from having to add the block to every course.

See for full changelog.

Version 1.2.7 (07 April 2020)

Minor fixes

Version 1.2.6 (06 April 2020)

Minor improvements and settings additions.

Version 1.2.5 (05 April 2020)

Minor updates.

Version 1.2.4 (05 April 2020)

Minor additions and updates.

Version 1.2.3 (02 April 2020)

Addition of fonts options in Theme Settings.

Version 1.2.2 (02 April 2020)

Extensive updates and improvements to M3.8 versions of theme and blocks.

Version 1.2.1 (29 March 2020)

Extensive updates to M3.8 versions of theme and blocks.

Version 1.2.0 (22 March 2020)

Extensive updates to M3.8 versions of theme and blocks.

Version 1.1.11 (19 March 2020)

Fix to header logotype visibility settings: M3.8 only

Version 1.1.10 (17 March 2020)

Minor theme updates - fixed login page styles

Version 1.1.9 (17 March 2020)

Minor theme & block updates

Version 1.1.8 (16 March 2020)

Updates to all footers, updates to custom blocks.

Version 1.1.7 (14 March 2020)

Extensive theme settings updates - PURGE MOODLE CACHES BEFORE & AFTER UPGRADING.

Version 1.1.6 (12 March 2020)

Minor updates for course category displays

Version 1.1.5 (12 March 2020)

M3.8 & M3.7 - update to cocoon_course_categories block

Version 1.1.4 (10 March 2020)

M3.8 & M3.7 - update to cocoon_course_intro block

Version 1.1.3 (10 March 2020)

M3.8 & M3.7 - extensive block adjustments, filter_multilang2 plugin support for the theme & all blocks

Version 1.1.2 (04 March 2020)

M3.8 & M3.7 - adjustments to main menu bar

Version 1.1.1 (03 March 2020)

M3.8 & M3.7 - fixes to course categories index page

Version 1.1.0 (02 March 2020)

Updates to theme files for Moodle 3.8 and Moodle 3.7

Version 1.0.9 (28 February 2020)

Updates to theme and custom blocks.

Version 1.0.8 (28 February 2020)

Enhancements and improvements for participants pages

Version 1.0.7 (27 February 2020)

Enhancements for frontend course management, page header adjustments, accordion improvements

Version 1.0.6 (26 February 2020)

Improvements to add activity chooser UI

Version 1.0.5 (25 February 2020)

Improvements to courses: forums and weekly

Version 1.0.4 (24 February 2020)

Updates to several theme files.

Version 1.0.3 (23 February 2020)

Changes to several blocks and theme files.

Version 1.0.2 (22 February 2020)

Changes to several blocks and theme files.
New Global search (navbar) block.

Version 1.0.1 (20 February 2020)

Changes to several blocks and theme files.

Version 1.0.0 (18 February 2020)

Initial release

If you are experiencing trouble, or otherwise have a question or concern beyond the scope of this help file, you may reach us via any of the following means.

We endeavour to respond to all enquiries within 24 hours, Monday to Sunday.

Statement of Support

We will always do our best to leave you satisfied after any support correspondence. We shall provide support for reasonable questions pertaining to the installation and setup of the theme, queries regarding use of the theme's features, and reports of bugs or technical issues with the product. We aim to respond to all enquiries in a timely fashion, often within 24 hours, Monday to Sunday. We ask that you are patient and polite in exchange for this generous service. Regrettably, we are unable to provide modification or customization services free of charge.


Q. Do you offer installation services?
A. Yep! Get in touch at

Q. What if I need customization services? ... do you offer customization services?
A. Yep! Get in touch at

Q. Can I pay you for a custom project? What is your hourly rate?
A. Yep! Get in touch at